
Black Rose Wars: Rebirth

Created by Ludus Magnus Studio

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth is a competitive fantasy game of deck-building, strategy, and combat set in the hectic universe of Nova Aetas in Italy, for 1-4 players. Each player is one of the powerful mages of the Black Rose Order, who aspires to become the new Great Magister, in order to acquire the mighty power of the Black Rose Artifact and the Forgotten Magic. Each mage has at their disposal six schools of magic, each one with its own strategy to annihilate their opponents and increase their power. Mages fight each other in a modular arena of hexagonal Room tiles. They summon powerful creatures, cast destructive spells, or devise dark deceptions with their enchantments.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Possessed is waiting for you!
over 2 years ago – Sat, May 21, 2022 at 12:24:32 PM

Hello, Magisters!

Here we are with the little surprise we promised you!

Have you followed our advice and read the Possessed rules in the new Rulebook? Because we have just created for all of you a Print & Play version with all the material concerning the first Avatar that you will face in the Lodge: The Possessed!

FROM THIS LINK you can download the pdf file with all the material to play it immediately using the core box of the first chapter of BRW (you remember that the two chapters are compatible with each other, do you??), using the rules contained in the new BRW:R Rulebook which we released last week.

Click to meet the fearsome Possessed!

Talking about the new Rulebook, we want to thank all the Backers who jumped into the new Rulebook, leaving us a lot of helpful feedback. Your participation has been great and we are proud of a community that loves this project so much!

Going back to The Possessed P&P: download the file we have prepared, get a pair of scissors and some sleeves, choose the miniature of one of the Mages in your collection to represent it, and you will be ready to try one of the most important innovations introduced by BRW:Rebirth!

Remember that Avatars are excellent for playing solo, but also very fun in multiplayer games, to create asymmetries and unpredictable situations, where everyone must be ready to react to be able to win the game.

Regarding the development of the game, as we wrote to you last week, the last external playtests on the Apocalypse material are underway, it is the most delicate of the expansions, being linked to the tournament mode. 

Here is a quick summary of the state of the work of the entire project:

  •  In Development: Rotas Box
  •  Internal Playtesting Phase: Gaea Reborn, Dreadforge, Jukas, Irene the wanderer
  •  External Playtesting Phase: Apocalypse
  •  Completed: Core Box, Seal of Fire, Deadly Masks

The Great Magister Marco is currently working on the Rotas Box material, which thanks to all the material we have unlocked together represents a considerable part of the project. The 4 new schools of Magic and the 7 Avatars present in the various boxes that make up the Rotas, in order to be qualitatively equal to all the rest of the material, require careful design and tuning. We think we will be able to complete our work by the end of October 2022, in order to start mass production of all paper material immediately afterward. To optimize time, the translations will be carried forward as the various expansions are completed.

As for the development of the miniatures, we are completing the final review of the models with the factory and the approval of the PU samples, so that we can start mass production by the beginning of September.

Given the quantity of material involved, we are quite satisfied with the progress of the work.

We are pleased to share with you the first photos from the Play 2022 fair in Modena! We are attending the most important Italian games convention, and of course, Rebirth is present with the latest (and definitive) version of the Core Box. New and old Magisters are already in the Lodge dueling to death!

Welcome back Modena Play!
The Lodge is open in Modena!

Those of you who are at the convention can come and visit us at booth A23, to try out Rebirth, Nova Aetas Renaissance, D.E.I., and the brand new: The Breach!

As many of you already know, The Breach Kickstarter campaign will start on Tuesday (May 24th). Set in the Nova Aetas: Chronicles universe, The Breach takes place in the near future, just before the climate catastrophe in which D.E.I. is set.

Click and enter The Breach

In this future, you play the role of the Breachers. These digital rebels will compete with each other, infiltrating the Gene.sys, a mysterious and super-protected database controlled by the Achab Corporation, in search of precious information and secrets capable of changing the world...

The Breach is a competitive Net Crawler that will test your strategic, tactical, and resource management skills, in a fast-paced scenario with constant reversals in front of you. Will you be able to become the best Breacher ever?

If you are intrigued and want to follow us in this new adventure and discover a new piece of the history of our setting, click on Follow in the preview of the Kickstarter campaign. If you want to know more you can read the dedicated page on our website or follow the updates on The Breach Facebook group.

In the next update, around mid-June, we will show you photos of the PU samples received (the quality is really stunning!), And spoilers on the completed materials of the expansions!

And now we leave you in the clutches of the Possessed! We look forward to receiving your feedback!


A new (Rule)book in the Library
over 2 years ago – Sat, May 14, 2022 at 09:19:37 PM

Hello, Magisters!

The last time we anticipated this updated an overview on Apocalypse, starting with the 4 new schools of magic contained in this expansion, but we decided to change the program, given that the tuning work is still in progress and we would like to show you the new cards when they are final.

The 4 schools of Magic included in Apocalypse are now all revised/rewritten, a playtesting phase is underway with the Great Magister Marco and his acolytes to make sure that they are balanced with all the material of BRW:R and BRW.

The Rulebook is Online!

By following this link, you can access the Rebirth rulebook (English) and immediately start studying the new rules, and why not, try to play them using the BRW material that you already have.

Click the image to read and comment the Rulebook!

We are happy to actively involve you in the development of this project, so if you want to help us make BRW:R even better, you can comment directly on the pdf document and leave your feedback!

In the rulebook, you will find also the new artwork of the Possessed (veery creeepy!!). We've given the Possessed a form of his own, although as you know you can use any Mage to represent him. The image represents the spirit of the Black Rose who controls the Mage in the lodge. Do you like it?

A brand new art for the Possessed!

We suggest you read the rules of the Possessed (which will then be applied to all Avatars), very soon we will have another surprise for you all...

The most attentive of you will notice that the bases to tag your Evocations no longer have Roses but Gems. We had to reluctantly give up the roses, because in the printing tests carried out with the factory unfortunately their aesthetics, given the size, was really poor for our standards. The Gems, thanks to their very clean design, will allow easy reading during the game while keeping intact the atmosphere and elegance of the game material.

New form for the Evocation bases

That's all for today! See you next week for a new update!


Easter in the Lodge!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 01:21:46 AM

Hello, Magister!

A quick update before Easter. After the overview about Core Box new features (in the previous update), we've been happy to receive a lot of positive feedback! The Avatars rules have aroused a lot of interest, so we will give you more details about the other Avatars included in the Rotas box in the future updates!

At the moment we're working hard on Apocalypse, as you know this expansion introduces the long-awaited Constructed/Tournament Mode, one of the great news of Rebirth. After some accurate playtesting sessions managed directly with the Great Magister Marco Montanaro, 2 schools of magic (War and Famine) were working really well, the 2 other schools (Death and Pestilence) need to be re-worked to make sure they will result well balanced and fun to play with. Marco is reviewing and changing the 2 schools, so we can start very soon to run new playtest sessions and complete as soon as possible the work on Apocalypse. Anyway beginning of May we will write a first update dedicated to Apocalypse!

BRWR Core Box files will be ready for translations into the other languages beginning of May.

Before saying goodbye, we post you the final render for a couple of miniatures that we didn't show here yet, hope you will like them!

The King in Yellow is coming!


In the meantime, we wish you a happy Easter!


What's new in the box?
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 01, 2022 at 10:12:39 AM

Hello, Magisters!

While the BRWR Core Box is in translation, we want to update you on the changes we have made in recent months, after a series of intense Playtests that allowed us to improve our game even more and define the new rules introduced with Rebirth.

But let's not waste time, and let's see what has changed!

The Possessed and the Avatar rules

Let's start with the big news introduced with Rebirth! Many of you are asking us for more information regarding Avatar rules, and we are happy to explain them in more detail now that they have been defined, tested and approved during the last few months.

As you know, the Possessed is the Avatar (automa) that you will find inside the Core Box. You will also find all the material needed to play with any Avatar you will get with expansions and stretch goals.

The Possessed set on the Avatar Board

Since the Possessed will be controlled by the powers of the Black Rose,  you can use any Mage miniature in your collection (even one from BRW) to represent it within the Lodge.

The Avatar Board will be used for any Avatar you want to add in your games, and it will be placed in the Lodge instead of one Player's Cell. On its board, there are spaces for the Avatar Card, the Action Cards and the Wound slots. If the Avatar board reminds you of the Lucifer Board included into Inferno expansion (from BRW first chapter), it is not surprising, as we have always said, Lucifer can be considered a proto-Avatar.

The Avatar Board count as a Cell for the Avatar

The Avatar Card describes the special powers and characteristics (Movement, Punch, and Health).

The Action Cards are the heart of its AI system. As for the Events, there are specific set of cards identified by the different Moon phases. During its turn, the Avatar turns one Action card. Action Cards emulate the actions a human player would perform and usually allow the Avatar to perform a Physical Action and cast a Spell (not necessarily in that order).

Physical Actions could be a move, a move + punch, or a move + Room Activation.

The Spell will be described directly on the card and, as for standard Spells, it will fall into a type (Combat or Contingency), will have an Element indicated, and will be able to trigger all the effects that usually are triggered when a player casts its Spell (Traps, Defenses, Etc).

Possessed Action Cards

Both Actions and Spells will have a sequence for choosing the target. For example, a move action may target the closest Mage; then the one with the most Wounds suffered; then the one with the most Power Points.

Do Avatars use Traps and Defenses? Of course! Some Action Cards will have Traps and Defense symbols on the back and their trigger condition. When the top card of the Action Cards deck has a Trap or Defense icon, you will know that the Avatar has an unpleasant surprise ready for those who will target it. If the Trap/Defense is triggered, the Avatar will flip this card and apply the Trap/Defense effect, ignoring all other actions/spells. If nothing is triggered, the card will be used normally during the Avatar's turn.

The Avatar Board will also allow you to place the Avatar's Evocations and Quests. You got it right! Avatars will be able to Summon and complete Quests, just like any other human player. Many Avatars will have their own unique Evocations (for example, Odin can summon Fenrir) but will also be able to use the common ones summoned through the Rooms' powers.

Finally, in the Core Box, you will find a deck of Avatar Events, to be used instead of the standard Events in any game where an Avatar will be included. Some Avatars will also add one or more exclusive Events to this deck, customizing it according to their mechanics.

Avatar Events must be used if you play with an Avatar

We hope that this quick overview gave you a more precise idea of ​​what awaits you. After all tests, we are very excited about the final result, so much so that now in our games we always include an Avatar, even when there would be no need, to add variations, unpredictability and... fun!

Pimp my Hex

During the playtests carried out after the KS, we realized that the Hex School did not have the performances we expected. Although the Curses mechanic was fun, this school was not performing like the others, and it was often used only as a "side-school", even by players who play with Gramigna

Of course this was unacceptable for our Great Magister Marco! He decided to review and modify all the Hex Spells, making them more competitive and increasing the interactions with the Curses.

New Hex School is the new Nutella!

Now, Hex School is back to shine and can compete with any BRW and BRWR School.

If you love "debuff and control" mechanics, you will be ready to destroy your opponents with powerful Curses... and a lot of bad luck.

New Trap & Defence trigger rules

With the introduction of Apocalypse and the Constructed mode for Tournaments, we had to create simple rules to describe more clearly what triggers Traps and Defenses, maintaining an aspect that we really like: chained effects, which makes this type of cards truly exciting.

With the new rules, you will easily handle these situations without wasting time and loosing the fun!

All Spells introduced with BRWR will have their text optimized for these new rules, but don't worry, BRW's spells can also be used without much effort. Where needed, we will publish new FAQs to manage the most intricate cards!

Alternative Evocations Phase 

The Evocations Phase is currently resolved so that starting with the player with the Crown, players take turns activating all their Evocations.

This allows the player with the Crown to have a big advantage, making the contest for the conquest of the Crown a serious matter, rewarding the player who invests resources in conquering it.

The downside of this system is that it is hard to still have Evocations to activate for players who play last.

We listened to your feedback and decided to give an alternative set of official rules, which will allow to manage the Evocation Phase in a more balanced way.

With these rules, players, starting with the one with the Crown, will be able to activate only one Evocation at a time. When all players have activated one Evocation, the round will restart to activate another one, and so on until all players have activated all their Evocations. This system reduces the advantage of the Crown but introduces a more tactical management during this Phase, giving a lot of importance to the choice of which Evocation to activate.

We think that both systems offer exciting game possibilities, therefore Players will be free to choose which rule to use in their games and try different styles and challenges. 

We hope you enjoyed this update and hope that you liked the innovations introduced in the Core Box. Let us know what you think of everything we have described to you!

Before saying goodbye, we just remind you that next 1st April, we will charge credit cards on BackerKit for the surveys completed during March. If you have any issues with your survey, or if you have a closed order and you want to add more stuff in it, contact our SUPPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE!

That's all for today! See you in the April update with new spoilers and a news about development and production!


Pledge Manager Update!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 07:50:03 PM

Hello, Magisters!

A quick update to remind you that as planned,

Tuesday 1st March we will carry out the first charge of the cards for the completed surveys.

We also remind you that as long as the cards are not charged, you can freely modify your order by adding new add-ons.

After the charge of the cards, it will still be possible to change orders but to do so you will need to contact our Support Service.

Survey changes will be possible until the Pledge Manager closes in June 2022.

After the charge of March 1st, we will carry out a charge every 1st of the month for the following months until the Pledge Manager closes.

We take advantage of this update to give you some more information on a novelty that we spoiled in the last update and on which many of you have asked us for more information: Black Rose Wars Skirmish.

With the release of the new Rebirth Playmat, thanks to the amazing Artwork that portrays the ruins of the Lodge, it will be possible to play a quick Skirmish.

A Playmat...and a new battlefield!

What do we mean by "Skirmish"? It is one of the most popular forms of three-dimensional wargames, where two small bands of warriors (represented by miniatures) face each other on a battlefield trying to exploit the elements of the terrain to achieve objectives or simply trying to wipe out the opposing gang.

In these games, the preparation of your Warband and the tactics you will use on the field are fundamental elements, and in the case of BRW Skirmish it will be basically like having a game in the game, or if you prefer, 2 games instead of 1!

BRW Skirmish rules and cards will be released on our Web App and will take advantage of all the miniatures currently available in the BRW and Rebirth range.

These nimble rules will allow you to create your own Warband made up of a Mage and his/her Evocation and challenge another player's Warband in furious and tactical battles in the ruins of the Lodge.

But even in this case, the Mages will have to deal with the Black Rose, which even if dormant, will use its powers to put the players in trouble!

Saba's Egyptian Warband face the forces of Baron Doria

Following the tradition of the world of wargames, each model will have its own card where you will find all its characteristics and abilities and a score that will vary according to its strength on the battlefield.

The Mages will be the heart of your Warband and with their skills and spells, closely linked to its School of Magic, they will be able to unleash effects and situations in a completely new way compared to the game we all know (and love).

The Evocations will be your loyal warriors and can be used in the most varied ways according to their characteristics. Do you need brute force? The Colossus will be ready to join the fray. Do you need cannon fodder to control the field? The Cadavers will be ready to die (and eventually be revived) for you. Do you want a piece of support or someone to stand in the way of the opponents? Succubus will be the right model for your strategy!

A brutal clash in the Lodge's corridors

And if you are wondering if you can use the very powerful Forgotten Evocations, well the answer is an absolute yes! So get ready to witness titanic clashes between the largest and most powerful Summons in the world of BRW.

In addition to the miniatures, to play with these rules you will only need the Rebirth playmat, a meter, and some 6-sided dice, and you will be able to challenge yourself in the Lodge like never before!

We also do a little update on the development of your favorite game.

At the moment Marco has finished the Apocalypse expansion with the new schools in the last phase of Playtest; the last phase of development of the rules for deckbuilding and tournament management is also underway. Competitive players will find something for their teeth.

For those wanting to learn more about Avatars, we will soon be releasing the complete rules for playing the Possessed (the Avatar included in the Rebirth core box), so that you can also try it out using the BRW material, and be ready for when all the cool (and deadly) Avatars of your pledge will arrive!

As for the miniatures, we have finished all pre-production reviews and the files have already been delivered to the factory, ready for mass production!

That's all for today! From the next update, we will start with more in-depth spoilers on the KS material, we will go to take a closer look at the new Schools of Magic, Evocations, and of course, Avatars and Mages!
